
BrainTap logo

what it is

Based on a person’s case history, examination, lifestyle decisions, coupled with chiropractic experience, O’Neal Chiropractic will recommend two different facets of care that work together synergistically and that will get us the best, fastest, and longest lasting results.  We accomplish this with adjustments and now supplement that with Brain Tap.

how it works

The BrainTap headset features harmonizing tones synchronized with gentle light pulses that travel through the ear meridians and the retina, sending direct signals to the brain and guiding you into deep relaxation. This innovative form of brainwave training is called frequency following response, and it provides maximum results in the least amount of time.

what it does

Reach deep meditative states without years of discipline & enhances sleep so you awaken feeling rejuvenated & energized. It reduces stress, worry & irritability while supporting emotional stability & harmony. By achieving the right mindset, you can lessen negative self-talk & overcome bad habits, freeing you to explore an expanded self-awareness. 

real world reviews

I had the BrainTap on my lunch break and the rest of the afternoon I was extremely relaxed. I am a very heavy smoker and was shocked that afterwards I actually got in my car and went to the store without lighting a cigarette. I went all afternoon without a cigarette and really was shocked that I was not even irritable. I am making progress and looking forward to my next appointment. After yesterday, I am convinced that I will soon be completely tobacco free.

Angie Cascio

Shreveport, La.


schedule a private Braintap session today